How I lost 5kgs by intermittent fasting. You can do it too.

Shubha Apte
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2022


Photo by Melissa Walker Horn on Unsplash

According to surveys, intermittent fasting has gained popularity and is one of the most popular diets.

Intermittent fasting is more like an umbrella term that has many different approaches.

One can choose an approach that includes periods of fasting and non-fasting over defined periods.

I was introduced to intermittent fasting by one of my best friends. She has diabetes and high blood pressure. She is also overweight due to her sedentary lifestyle. Her dietician and doctor recommended she follow intermittent fasting and bring all her co-morbidities under control. She decided to pursue a 16:8 hour fasting plan per day. Within 8 hour window, she could have her lunch and dinner.

She lost 5kgs of weight within the first two months. For me, she is an inspiration.

During a regular health checkup in December 2020, I was diagnosed with borderline diabetes and high cholesterol levels. I suffer from asthma which has been a gift to me from Bangalore. The health checkup was a wake-up call for me to take control of my health.

I am not a big fan of fasting and hardly ever follow it, even for religious practices. I decided to try intermittent fasting. My friend’s successful results were significant social proof of the benefits of intermittent fasting, and I could not ignore it.

“Everyone who does intermittent fasting talks about it as a lifestyle, not a diet. They come for the weight loss, but stay for the health benefits.” — author unknown

My fasting pattern

I started following the 16:8 approach to intermittent fasting. I have only two meals in the 8 hours eating window. Typically I have lunch at 1 pm and dinner at 7pm.No breakfast and no snacking in between. Now that was a big thing to ask for from a foodie like me !!

“Self-control lady”. Yes, I had to keep saying this to myself.

Even when tempted with coconut ice cream, I had to look away. Oops!!

Photo by Shubha Apte (Author)

My ability to control myself was under severe test.

It is not that you cannot have ice creams. You can have it only during your lunch or dinner time and not in between. So I did the next best thing possible. I reserved my ice cream cup and enjoyed it during lunch.

Occasionally, I get invited for dinner at 8 pm or later. While I attend the dinner, I have only water or sugar-free lime juice.

I love rules.

I lost about 5kgs of weight within the first two months following intermittent fasting.

In those two months, I learned that one needs to have a very disciplined and strict routine to derive any benefits of intermittent fasting.

When I started fasting, I did struggle for the first few months. Your body craves food. You have to be strict with yourself. Once I got into a routine, I was ok. Losing 2kgs was a big motivation.

I had seen some of my friends start intermittent fasting with great enthusiasm but had no control over their diets and would easily give in to temptations.

If I can, you can too.

I have followed intermittent fasting for the last 17 months, and my sugar and cholesterol levels have been in check. Fasting with 30mins of brisk walking daily keeps me fit and healthy.

You are mistaken if you think intermittent fasting means giving up on your favourite food. You don’t need to let go of your mom’s signature dishes to follow this diet routine.

You can have any food at lunch or dinner during the 8-hour eating window you decide to pursue. Best results are achieved with low cholesterol food. If I cook a deep-fried item, I consume it during lunch or dinner but in moderate amounts.

Why waste dollars on fitness trainers, coaches or gyms if a simple diet routine can help you stay fit and keep your stress levels and other health issues in check?

“The best of all medicines is resting and fasting.” — Benjamin Franklin



Shubha Apte

A self-improvement advocate, my journey unfolds through , travel, and life experiences, and insights gained navigating the corporate world.